One Hand, One Heart from West Side Story is featured in The First Time, the fifth episode of Season Three. It is sung in the school play, West Side Story, by Blaine and Rachel as Tony and Maria.
During the song, there are scenes that show Finn and Rachel lying together in front of a fire along with Blaine and Kurt lying on Blaine's bed. This is meant to be the moment where the two couples have their first time. At the end, Finn and Kurt are seen watching the performance, proud of their partners.
Make of our hands one hand
Make of our hearts one heart
Make of our vows one last vow
Only death will part us now
Make of our lives one life
Day after day, one life
Blaine and Rachel:
Now it begins, now we start
One hand, one heart
Even death won't part us now
West Side Story-One Hand, One Heart
GLEE - One Hand, One Heart (Full Performance) (Official Music Video)
One hand, one heart - Glee HD Full Studio
Glee - One Hand One Heart (Acapella)